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Pejak-Young Engagement Program

This program is designed to build parent- teacher relationships and develop a strong community based learning environment. We want to ensure that our students are getting the best of our class time and utilize the strategies in other classes. Additionally, we want parents to have full understanding of what our class entails and how they can ensure their child is completing all assignments and extra curricular activities outside of the classroom environment. We will frequently meet with parents and give data reports. Moreover, we will teach parents how to read the reports and determine the progress of their child.

Please see the information below for meeting dates and times.


Tuesday, 28 August 2019


Rm # 610

(Outside passing)


Introduction to English, getting to know the teachers, understanding Achieve 3000, Evaluate, and Google Classroom. Please view notes.







Wednesday, 7 November 2019


Rm #610

(Outside passing)


Missing Assignment, End of 1st Semester discussions, Evaluate and Achieve 3000 data.



Wednesday, 16 January 2020



(Front Entrance)


Beginning of 2nd Semester, Project Based Learning (PBL)


Tuesday, 26 March 2019


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